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    Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011


    Jumlah posting : 52
    Join date : 29.03.10

    Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011 Empty Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011

    Post  merzapahlevi Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:45 am

    Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011 468x60

    Pioneer membership to the first 2000 members who registered.

    * Standard members get $0.01 per ad they view and $0.005 per ad their referral(s) view.
    * Pioneer members get $0.01 per ad they view and $0.01 per ad their referral(s) view.
    * Golden members get $0.02 per ad they view and $0.01 per ad their referral(s) view.

    Direct referrals limit:

    * As a Standard Member you can have a maximum of 30 direct referrals.
    * As a Pioneer Member you can have a maximum of 40 direct referrals.
    * As a Golden Member you can have a maximum of 140 direct referrals.

    The minimum payout amount is set at $ $2.00 for the second $3, $10.00 (ten US dollars) for the third, via Paypal, Alertpay


    Free join :

    Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011 468x60

    Jumlah posting : 52
    Join date : 29.03.10

    Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011 Empty Re: Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011

    Post  merzapahlevi Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:48 am

    Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011 468x60

    Pioneer membership to the first 2000 members who registered.

    * Standard members get $0.01 per ad they view and $0.005 per ad their referral(s) view.
    * Pioneer members get $0.01 per ad they view and $0.01 per ad their referral(s) view.
    * Golden members get $0.02 per ad they view and $0.01 per ad their referral(s) view.

    Direct referrals limit:

    * As a Standard Member you can have a maximum of 30 direct referrals.
    * As a Pioneer Member you can have a maximum of 40 direct referrals.
    * As a Golden Member you can have a maximum of 140 direct referrals.

    The minimum payout amount is set at $ $2.00 for the second $3, $10.00 (ten US dollars) for the third, via Paypal, Alertpay


    Free join :

    Starbux : New PTC Launch Today 3/4/2011 468x60

      Waktu sekarang Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:21 pm